10 Great plants for Long term Flowering
1 Geranium psilostemon – easily the most dramatic cranesbill, it produces startling, black-eyed, magenta flowers from May until October. 2 Polemonium ‘Bressingham Purple’ – new Jacob’s ladder with dark-chocolate leaves and deep blue flowers. Sterile hybrid so continues to flower until the frosts. 3 Astrantia major – there is a wealth of new varieties in pink and dark crimson or try growing your own from seed. The bracts last for months and new flowers appear from May till October. 4 Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’ – Rampant magnificent fiery-orange and bronze bracts and foliage. 5 Epilobium angustifolium ‘Album’ and ‘Stahl Rose’ Again … Continue reading 10 Great plants for Long term Flowering